Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sculpting the clay and spraying the pot

               This week in the studio was spent spraying glaze on two of my pieces. I glazed my Alice in Wonderland teapot with clear. The Alice in Wonderland teapot has many colored stains and slips under the clear glaze as well. The other piece I sprayed was my first stacked piece. I sprayed it with oribe (green) as the base, buttermilk rutile (tan), and purple plum. I am excited to see the pieces fired and finished. Here are some pictures of me spraying the Alice in Wonderland teapot.
               I also spent my time carving a few pieces. I carved a medium sized vase with a wolf scene and a small vase with a tiger and tribal designs. I started carving around three years ago after I took a workshop from Tom and Elaine Coleman. The Coleman's carving technique is incredible. I love their work. Taking their workshop was an unbelievable opportunity and I learned numerous carving techniques. Seeing the Coleman's work inspired me to try carving my own pieces. I started off doing some simple leaf and flower designs. Lately I have been inspired to do tribal designs, henna tattoo designs, and animal designs. I also have done some funky carved pieces like my Alice in Wonderland teapot where I carved all of the main characters from the Alice in Wonderland movie. I enjoy carving my pottery and I love drawing and discovering new designs I can try. Here are some pictures of some of my latest carved pieces.

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