This week in the studio was my first class after winter break. I worked on covered jars and bowls. I have been experimenting with my lids and the different styles of lids that I like. I threw numerous types, focusing mainly on inset lids. Terry, my teacher, demonstrated throwing an orb shape and altering it, then cutting a lid out as well. I threw a shape for that too because I love the technique used and the free form style of the piece. My pottery class decided that lidded jars are going to be our class project. We are also going to exchange one of the jars we made during the session. I am excited to see the different styles and designs everyone in my class makes.
I trimmed a vase as well. I wanted this vase to have oriental design so I carved bamboo into the side and added Japanese cherry blossoms. I have been experimenting with cherry blossoms. Here is a picture of a mug I did with cherry blossoms added on. I am also working on filling out a prospectus for the members show at The Art Center in February. I am showing some of my work and right now I'm working on titling the pieces and choosing which ones will be put in the show.